SV-seminarie microsimulations

Seminar at Statistics Flanders !

On Monday, October 23, 2023 Statistics Flanders is organizing a seminar on microsimulations. Microsimulation is a technique that allows modeling future changes in complex social phenomena based on the behavior of individual units, such as individuals and households.

In addition to an introduction on microsimulations as a modeling technique, experts from inside and outside the Statistics Flanders network will present some concrete examples of policy-relevant microsimulation models. I have participated to this seminar by a joint talk with Tom Truyts :

BEAMM-model (UCLouvain Saint-Louis): an online, open-access microsimulation model for taxes, social contributions and benefits. BEAMM-model: Tom Truyts and Hugues Annoye (UCLouvain Saint-Louis)

Hugues Annoye
Hugues Annoye
Postdoctoral researcher
